
because he married a mexican

Every family has its quirks. Good ones, bad ones, weird ones. One of the fun things about marriage is discovering them in each other since each spouse comes from a family with a completely different set tendencies.

It just so happens that a large portion of mine are shared by an entire nation.

This post is in no way derogatory; I love all the wonderful things that I get to share with Talia about my Hispanic heritage. Some of them are colorful, some of the them majestic, and some of them ... hilarious.

The following is a summary of my hispanic life in memes. More can be found at here (with much more colorful language, p.s).

^^"You're still not dating anyone?" It was always meant as a compliment, but...^^ 

^^Every time I make beans, I forget them. Every. Time. ^^

^^ Poor Jake was not aware. ^^

^^Yard sales. ^^

^^ This is what Talia's closet looks like. ^^

^^ I think this tradition is what made Jake give a presentation on our wedding in Spanish class. ^^

^^ I'm fighting this one. But as of right now, I'm totally this mom. Everything is still good! ^^

^^ We both agree on this one. So we are still married. Jk ^^

Seriously though,  it has been pretty fun realizing all the things that I do simply because of my hispanic upbringing. Jake finds it a little less amusing sometimes, but in the end, we all end up laughing. 
Families are forever, and I couldn't be happier about mine. :)

Sources: First picture from my Pinterest board, Cielito Lindo, and the rest from Mexican Problems. Family photo by Jacob, the husband, August 2013 :)

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