
A recent collaboration with fashion photographer Caitlin Wing left me with this piece.
I actually painted about six completely different paintings for this project; this was number four and by far the best. :) Thanks Caitlin for reaching out and including me in your series!


children's book + giveaway [closed]

Last October I was painting like mad to complete this lovely little children's book for Bab'l Books, and now it's here!

I've done a couple other books for them in the past, and I've expounded on how much I love what this company is doing. Their aim is to provide books in a variety of languages for bilingual children all over the world. Each book is printed with dual language text of the languages available on their site.

I have an extra copy of How to Eat a Rainbow that I would love one of you to have! For GIVEAWAY details, see the bottom of the post >>>


Winter Mixtape


Under your Spell // Desire
Not in Love // Crystal Castles feat. Rob Smith
If You Leave // Orchestral Manouevers in the Dark
Boyfriend // Best Coast
Long Flight // Future Islands
Let's Dance // David Bowie


"I'm not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with the potential of a superman. I'm living on."

To the Starman, thank you for making me cry.


white on white

Wearing all white isn't just for summer! By combining textures and silhouettes, white can be a chill alternative to dark neutrals in the winter. Some favorite winter white-styles below >>>


illustrated profiles: Marion Cotillard

 "I want to feel myself. I don't care what people think of my outfit or my shoes or my hat. I like to get dressed."


oh hey, 2016

Last year, I made some pretty rad goals. The only one I accomplished perfectly was related to doing Talia's hair (which I'm really proud of us for doing!).
This year, I want to focus on taking care of myself physically, because last year taught me that everything is linked. Health, happiness. Ya.